Safe Space : A discussion of the rules and expectations during the workshop; a definition and discussion about culture and how we create safe spaces; plant a question in the mind of attendees.
Trans 101: A little lingo; conventions and best practices (communication is hard but necessary).
Growing Up in the Trans Closet: Feeling alone; the importance of shared language, passing and the candid truth of locker room talk; the impact of environment (Len watching Geraldo, Field Coaching Course); a picture show.
The Decision to Transition from F to M: Explain the use of “decision” and how the transition is an external process, that of society’s perception of who a person is.
Being Transgender in the RCMP: Management interactions (anecdotal stories); Top Down Model of Behaviour and the effectiveness of one-on-one conversations; the importance of intention.
Questions/Discussion: With some examples and parameters.