2023 World LGBTIQ+ Detailed Program
The 2023 World LGBTIQ+ programming committee are pleased to announce the detailed program is now available. Please regularly refer to the detailed program and note it is subject to change.
All Presenters must read and follow the Oral Presentation Guidelines prior to attending the conference.
The accepted posters can be found below.
The Journey to Here
Former Justice of the High Court of Australia
Video Address
Rodney Croome AM
Relationships Between LGBTIQ Tasmanians and Tasmania Police
Dr. Todd Fernando, Victorian Commissioner for LG
Intersecting (In) Justice
Bonnie Loft: Rainbow in the Blue - The Impact of Victoria Police's Workplace Culture Upon the LGBTIQ Liaison on Officers
Robert Chevalier: Becoming a Trans Inclusive Police Service
Ben Bjarnesen: Working Together to Ensure that LGBTIQ+ Victims and Survivors of Domestic and Family Violence are Recognized and Receive Appropriate and Inclusive Support
Brandon Erekson: A Shift in Hiring: How a Small Police Agency's Shift in Practices Lead to Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Department
Rielly Knock: A Comprehensive Guide to Supporting Transgender, Non-binary and Two-spirit Employees Transitioning in the Workplace, Developed in Consultation with Transgender Employees
Michael Crumrine: Beyond the Gay Alphabet - Why Understanding the LGBTQIA+ Community's Experience is Crucial to Effective Modern-Day Policing
Cath Emery: The Role of the NSW Police Force Inclusion & Diversity Council in Driving Step Change for Inclusivity for LGBTQIA+ Employees
Matt Stanislao: Building Bridges through a Statewide LGBTQ Law Enforcement Liaison Program
Mickael Bucheron: LGBTI Activist in the French National Police
Susan Gibbs: Including Everyone in the Quest for Inclusion
Alain Parmentier: President of the European LGBTI Police Association - Police Officer In Paris, France
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Sharon Johnston: Rainbow Communities Low Trust in New Zealand Police Results in Under Reporting of Crime Against Gender Diverse People in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rachel Powning: Victorian LGBTIQ+ Family Violence Practitioner Service
Matthew Jones: Modelling Workplace Identities: Negotiating the Risk of Professional Stigma Within Contemporary Policing Contexts
Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices - Victoria's Approach
Full details and opportunity for conference participants to join in the Midsumma Pride March (or as a spectator) will be announced closer to the date.
Further details on the annual Midsumma Festival can be found here: Midsumma