LGPOA Austin Police Association


Meet the experts behind our 2nd World LGBTQ Conference for Criminal Justice Professionals


Sandy Scott

Sandy Scott
Sandy is a front line (Response) Sergeant working for North Yorkshire Police in the north east area of the UK. It is a large rural county with great scenery, good local ales and lots of rain and sheep. It is also home to the historic and iconic City of York where she is currently posted.

Sandy has 10 years of policing experience under her belt, most of this with North Yorkshire Police and pretty much all of it serving on the front line. Having spent most of her life struggling with her queer identity she has only been out and open since 2016 after attending her first Pride and seeing one of her Chief Officers openly supporting the LGBT+ community. Since then she has joined the LGBT+ Network and alongside others has helped to raise its profile both internally and externally and is now one of the deputy co-chairs. As part of her work with the network, she has set up and co-runs the North Yorkshire Police LGBT Twitter account.

In December 2017 Sandy volunteered to be involved in setting up the National Bi-Visibility Working Group across the UK forces in recognition by the National Police LGBT Network and Chief Officer Lead, DCC Julie Cooke that this strand of the LGBT+ family is still largely invisible, misunderstood and has its own unique challenges. Since its inception the group have gained members from around 20 of the 43 national forces who are all working to ensure that forces actively recognize the Bi/Queer community and work to break down barriers to visibility and acceptance.

Sandy is currently seconded from her primary role on Response to assist with the planning of an in force conference around Intersectionality, the overlapping of different diverse communities, for example being an LGBT+ person of faith. The aim is to provide an insight into some of the challenges faced within these communities and to facilitate a safe space for conversation, learning and sharing experiences. Small positive steps towards a more inclusive workplace.
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