Logan began his career in Corrections as an officer in 2011 where he worked in the Admissions/Discharge Department at the Winnipeg Remand Centre. Logan’s duties included; the classification and placement recommendations of inmates, police/court liaison, escort officer. In 2015, Logan came out as Trans to his coworkers. While the response was mostly positive, the lack of education and understanding of the transgender experience within law enforcement culture, coupled with a non safe working environment, compelled Logan to initiate change within the provinces justice system. Logan’s current assignment is Policy Writer (Admissions, Classification & Placement of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Inmates)/ Staff Training and Development “Trans Inclusivity” for Manitoba Justice. Logan has worked with the Winnipeg Police Service educating supervisors on creating a positive and inclusive work environment for transgender staff.
Logan has also collaborated on an intergovernmental Trans 101 online e-learning course for all government of Manitoba employees.
Member - TCOPS International (Transgender Community of Police and Sheriffs)
- TCOPS is a peer support network for transgender law enforcement officers. Members are patrol officers, deputies, federal officers, detectives, correctional officers, parole agents, probation officers, constables, rangers, parks police, police officers, deputy sheriffs, state special agents, federal special agents, special police officers, reserve officers, district attorney investigators, forensic scientists, crime scene technicians, military law enforcement personnel, corrections officers & CID officers, community service officers, college, campus, and school police officers, latent fingerprint examiners, and other support staff, and retired officers.
(Chair) Manitoba Trans Health Coalition
- The Manitoba Trans Health Coalition includes members such as family physicians, endocrinologists, pediatricians, surgeons, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists, educators, and lawyers, and one correctional officer. Members of the Trans Health Coalition work collaboratively with community stakeholders to advocate for, and deliver healthcare required by those on the trans spectrum.
(Founder) Trans Manitoba
is a volunteer non-profit, non-partisan, independent group. Our goal is to represent all Manitoba Trans and gender variant individuals. We are a unified voice working to resolve issues directly affecting our community. Issues such as; Human Rights, Health and Wellness, Housing and Employment, Public Policy and Legal Issues. Trans Manitoba has been working collaboratively with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, Manitoba Trans Health Coalition, Public Interest Law Center and various levels of Federal and Provincial Government Agencies.