JOVAN KOJIČIĆ – Adviser to Prime Minister for human rights and protection from discrimination
Jovan Kojičić is an Assistant Professor in European Law. Prof. Kojičić has an extensive background in in the human rights field, policy and legislative framework, as well as in environmental law and international environmental law. Teaching is an environment that he has found both intellectually stimulating and part of his own growth as a professional. Prof. Kojičić received his Doctor of Laws (Dr. iur.) degree at the Viadrina European University in Germany.
During his doctoral studies he was awarded the prestigious German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship. Prof. Kojičić joined the Faculty of Administrative and European Studies in Podgorica in April 2008. Also, he has finished his post-doc in the field of human rights in international law and the relation of law to social change (in the non-discrimination field) at the Lund University Department of Sociology of Law in Lund, Sweden. Prof. Kojičić is also a visiting researcher at the department of European, Public International and Public Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig, Germany, as well as a visiting scholar at the UCLA School of Law – the Williams Institute in Los Angeles, California, the United States.
He has been a full member of the Southeast Europe Society (Munich, Germany) since 2003, as well as a listed expert in Environmental Law for Serbia and Montenegro with the Eco Institute for Applied Ecology in Darmstadt, Germany. Prof. Kojičić was also a member of the European Economic and Social Committee Study Group (2001-2003) for the ECOSOC Project of South-Eastern European Countries. Over the years, Prof. Kojičić has received many awards such as: Academic Fellowship, DAAD, for the 19th European Summer Academy in Germany (2008); Academic Research Fellowship, DAAD (2008); Graduate College Europa Fellows II, Federal German Ministry of Education and Research and European Union Fellows Programme, European University Viadrina, Germany (2005); European Viadrina University PhD Fellow (2004); The European System of Human Rights Summer Course Fellow, European Viadrina University, Council of Europe and DAAD (2003), DAAD PhD Fellowship (2002-2004) among others.
He is the President of the DAAD Alumni Club Montenegro and the principal organiser of the international conference “Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities”. Prof. Kojičić is the author of numerous scientific articles, books, book chapters and theses in his areas of expertise. In August 2011 he has been appointed as Adviser to the Prime Minister of Montenegro on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, to which he has been reappointed on January 31, 2013.