LGPOA Austin Police Association


Meet the experts behind our 2nd World LGBTQ Conference for Criminal Justice Professionals


Kristen Hilton

Kristen Hilton
Kristen Hilton grew up as one of five girls in country Victoria and moved to Melbourne to complete a Law/Arts degree at Melbourne University. Kristen worked in corporate law as an industrial relations lawyer before pursuing a career in social justice and human rights. Kristen was the CEO of the Public Interest Law Clearing House (now Justice Connect) before joining the executive team at Victoria Legal Aid where she held roles as the Executive Director of Civil Law and Legal Practice. 

Kristen is a Churchill Fellow and in 2007 spent time in Geneva, South Africa and the USA investigating the right to adequate housing. Kristen was named the LIV Community Lawyer of the Year in 2006 and was the recipient of the inaugural NAB Access to Justice Award.

In 2016 Kristen was appointed as Victoria’s Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner. As Commissioner, Kristen’s role is to promote and protect human rights and equality across the state and lead the Commission’s work in creating a rights respecting culture within organisations, governments and communities. Kristen is the Chair of the expert panel in the Victoria Police review and chairs the Male Champions of Change group for Fire and Emergency Services. 

Kristen and her partner Jack are the parents of their three lively children.
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