In May 2016, I was appointed as Assistant Chief Constable for Local Policing and Criminal Justice. I am responsible for all of the officers and staff who police our communities on a day-to-day basis, partnership working across the areas, all staff involved in criminal justice from custody through to the court procedure and all those involved in community engagement. I am driven by a desire to consistently improve the way we work, to engage with the community and to ensure a visible and accessible and preventative Neighbourhood Policing style, whilst maintaining public safety and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.
In June 2017, I was appointed the UK National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead for the LGBT+ Portfolio. I am striving to ensure that all of our staff feel able to come to work and to be themselves; be honest about their lives outside of work, without fear of reprisals or attitudes they may face, but also that all staff are comfortable to ask appropriate questions and learn. I also want members of the LGBT+ community to be able to walk through our communities knowing that they are safe and understood.
I joined Merseyside Police in 1991, having obtained a BSc Honours Degree in Transport Management and Law. I have been a uniformed officer in all ranks as well as performed the role of Detective Inspector within CID and the Major Incident Team –dealing with murders and serious crime.
In 2009, I became Head of Complaints Investigation within the Professional Standards Department, a challenging role but I remained committed to ensuring transparency and fairness and to making sure that all staff upheld the high standards and values expected of police staff.
In 2010, I led the force’s Anti-Social Behaviour Taskforce illustrating my commitment to tackling anti-social behaviour in our communities.
I have led a number of change programmes including the Human Resources Restructure and Training Review which looked at middle-management structures and efficiency and effectiveness and implemented a change that brought together several unit across various sites under the leadership of one Head of Department. As an ACC I have led reviews regarding custody provisions, document and evidence management as well as local policing delivery structures.
In 2013, I was the lead of Human Resources and implemented the new streamlined HR Department, bringing together the various disparate units from different sites.
In 2014, as Area Commander for St. Helens with responsibility for the policing of this area including; Response, Neighbourhood, Investigation, Intelligence and all supporting departments. During this time I developed and strengthened local partnerships within St. Helens.